Two Female Philanthropists Making a Change by Donating to the Needy

Mbazima Speaks

In a world where self-interest often prevails, it is inspiring to see individuals who use their success to give back to their communities and make a positive impact on the lives of others. Dr. Senathi Fisha and Vivian Mokome are two such individuals who are making a difference through their philanthropic efforts.

On Sunday, May 7th, 2023, two inspiring women, Dr. Senathi Fisha and Vivian Mokome, made a significant contribution to an orphanage in Polokwane, South Africa. The two women donated over 1000 high-quality organic sanitary pads, toothpaste, and soaps to the girls and boys at the orphanage, respectively.

Dr. Senathi Fisha is a trailblazer in the mental healthcare sector, being the first black female to hold the Voluntary Mental Healthcare License. Dr. Fisha began her career as a psychiatric nurse before completing her doctorate in psychology, with a focus on depression in African communities. She has made it her mission to give back to the community and has been running a sponsorship program for the orphanage in Polokwane for several years.

Vivian Mokome, a philanthropist and business leader, has always been passionate about giving back to her community. Together with her husband, she launched the Mokome Foundation, which has adopted over 8 schools in the Limpopo and Gauteng provinces and distributed over 1000 sanitary pads to students in these disadvantaged schools. Vivian is a trendsetter in the banking and networking sectors, with a proven track record of using technology to transform businesses and create opportunities for people in Africa.

The donation of organic sanitary pads is essential as it will help to address the pressing issue of menstrual hygiene for girls in disadvantaged communities in South Africa. Many girls in these communities do not have access to sanitary pads and often miss school during their menstrual cycles. This can lead to a lack of education and opportunities later in life. The organic sanitary pads donated by Dr. Fisha and Vivian Mokome are biodegradable and environmentally friendly, making them an excellent choice for communities that have limited access to sanitation facilities.

In addition to the sanitary pads, Vivian Mokome donated toothpaste and soap to the boys at the orphanage. These basic necessities are often taken for granted, but they are critical to maintaining good health and hygiene.

Dr. Fisha and Vivian Mokome’s act of generosity is commendable and serves as an inspiration to others to give back to their communities. By providing basic necessities like sanitary pads, toothpaste, and soap, they are helping to improve the health and well-being of children in need. Their efforts go beyond just providing for the immediate needs of the children, as they are also investing in their future by giving them access to education.

Dr. Fisha and Vivian Mokome are not just making a difference in the lives of the children at the orphanage but are also making a significant impact in their community. They are leading by example, showing others the importance of giving back and using their resources to make a positive impact. Their selfless act of kindness is a reminder that we all have the power to make a difference, no matter how small.

The donation of organic sanitary pads, toothpaste, and soap by Dr. Senathi Fisha and Vivian Mokome is a testament to their commitment to making a positive impact in their community. Their act of generosity will help to improve the health and well-being of children in need and provide them with access to education. Their example serves as an inspiration to others, reminding us all of the power of giving back. We must all strive to make a positive impact in our communities, and Dr. Fisha and Vivian Mokome have shown us how it’s done.

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