Watch Off Duty Law Enforcement Officer Killed by another officer

Mbazima Speaks
2 minute read

The altercation between law enforcement guys ends tragically after one is left dead.

Today we woke up to startling news trending on Twitter and two alleged law enforcement officers who were arguing. One is shown provoking the other officer, who is in a white, while holding a pistol. 

He slaps the guy in the car and orders him to draw his firearm to make a futile point. 

What seems to be destroying the nation is toxic masculinity, where insecure men believe that being violent is the ultimate goal of being a man. This video shows better, honourable ways to resolve disputes rather than resorting to violence. Manhood needs real healing to ensure that the future generation of men does not continue with this unruly, brutal behaviour. 

Now a man is dead because he wanted to nourish his ego and entertain the crowd watching them as they argued. Sadly, his boastfulness led to his quick, sorrowful demise. 

The other officer may like face impeachment. However, from the evidence provided in the footage, the other officer stands a higher chance of winning this case, given that he was provoked and acted out of self-defence.

As much as the court may accept a claim of self-defence, but it will be a challenge to convince the court to accept it. Private defence is using force to repel an unlawful attack that has commenced or is imminently threatening someone's life, bodily integrity, property, or other interest that deserves protection. 

The requirements for personal defence include being directed against the attacker, being necessary to protect the threatened interest, having a good relationship between the attack and the defensive act, and being aware of the attacker's actions. The test is objective, and courts emphasise that one should place oneself in the shoes of the attacked person at the critical moment and consider whether a reasonable person would have acted in the same way in those circumstances. 

A person who suffers a sudden attack cannot always weigh all the advantages and disadvantages of their defensive act and act calmly. In S v Ntuli, the court adopted a robust approach, not seeking to measure the precise bounds of legitimate self-defence or the foreseeability or foresight of resultant death.

Nonetheless, we shall await updates concerning the matter, and we shall keep you posted. 

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