Transformation Underway: Kenny Kunene and Team Set to Revamp Safety at MTN Taxi Rank

Mbazima Speaks

Transformation Underway: Kenny Kunene and Team Set to Revamp Safety at MTN Taxi Rank
Kenny Kunene |  Facebook

Kenny Kunene, in collaboration with Councillor Lubabalo Cecil Magwentshu, the Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) for Community Development, as well as the councilor of ward 59, is taking decisive steps to enhance the safety of Johannesburg's MTN Taxi Rank. This important transportation hub has faced safety concerns for the past 7 years, but thanks to the concerted efforts of key individuals, a positive transformation is underway.

Under the banner of #cojtransport, the team is actively addressing the issues. Notably, MMC Kenny Kunene and MMC Community Development are leading the charge, alongside other partners like GLU. Their joint efforts aim to revamp the taxi rank's structure and security, ensuring it becomes a secure environment for commuters. Their ultimate goal is to establish a world-class taxi rank that caters to both safety and functionality.

Crucially, this initiative isn't only focused on infrastructure. Collaboration with the taxi association is a priority, ensuring that the improvements do not disrupt transportation services. To provide the public with a comprehensive understanding of the project's scope and details, an upcoming press conference is planned.

The involvement of city parks in this development is also worth acknowledging, as their assistance has been instrumental in shaping the improvements. Through the signing of an MOU between Kenny Kunene and Lubabalo Cecil Magwentshu, this joint effort showcases a commitment to enhancing safety, functionality, and the overall commuter experience at the MTN Taxi Rank.


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