Ntshavheni: Majority of Residents in Hijacked Buildings Are Not South Africans

Mbazima Speaks

Ntshavheni: Majority of Residents in Hijacked Buildings Are Not South Africans
Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni. | Image Sowetan

Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni has stated that a significant portion of the occupants in hijacked buildings across South Africa are not South African citizens. Her remarks came in response to questions arising from a tragic fire incident in Johannesburg that resulted in the loss of at least 73 lives.

During a post-cabinet briefing held in Pretoria, Minister Ntshavheni underscored that the South African government's primary responsibility does not extend to providing housing for illegal immigrants who inhabit hijacked buildings. She clarified that the government's foremost obligation is to support legal residents and South African citizens in their pursuit of adequate housing.

The issue of hijacked buildings has long been a matter of concern in South Africa, often characterized by substandard living conditions and criminal activities. The recent tragic fire in Johannesburg has brought renewed attention to this longstanding issue. Minister Ntshavheni's statement highlights the complexities involved in addressing the housing needs of individuals who lack legal status in the country.

Typically, addressing the challenges posed by hijacked buildings requires collaborative efforts between different levels of government and relevant departments, including Human Settlements, Cooperative Governance, Home Affairs, and law enforcement agencies.

Minister Ntshavheni's remarks serve as a reminder of the intricate balance that authorities must strike in ensuring the safety and well-being of all residents while upholding immigration and housing regulations.
source: Sowetan


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