Former president Jacob Zuma is unfazed by Concourt ruling

Mbazima Speaks


Jacob Zuma has been campaigning for a new party called uMkhonto we Sizwe (MK), named after the ANC’s former armed wing. Photograph: Jérôme Delay/AP

Former president Jacob Zuma remains unfazed despite the Constitutional Court's judgment that disqualified him from becoming a candidate for deployment to the National Assembly after next week's elections. His brother, Khanya, revealed that the ruling has motivated him to fight even more to return to government and change people's lives. Zuma was placed at number one on the uMkhonto weSizwe Party's (MKP) candidate list for the National Assembly, meaning that if the party won the elections or became the next governing party through a coalition government, Zuma would have become the president of the country.

MKP insiders have told Daily News that the party will be holding a series of meetings in the coming days in a bid to find Zuma's replacement. Despite the judgment, Zuma remains the leader of the MKP. The judgment comes as Zuma was locked in a bitter battle over the leadership of the party with the expelled Jabulani Khumalo, who registered the party in September but was unceremoniously axed by Zuma in April.

While Zuma's former allies-turned-enemies, the SACP and ANC, have welcomed the Concourt judgment, MKP spokesperson Nhlamulo Ndhlela is adamant it was not the end of the road. They are taking this matter to the UN Human Rights Committee and to get it overturned.

With just over a week before the crunch elections, that path appeared to be doomed. At the center of the legal brawl was Zuma's 15-month prison sentence meted out him by the Concourt in 2021 for contempt of court after he refused to appear before the State Capture Commission of Inquiry, chaired by then deputy chief justice Raymond Zondo.

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