Mother wants justice for an alleged rape of one-year-old daughter at Newlands East crèche

Mbazima Speaks


A Durban mother is demanding justice after her daughter was allegedly raped at a daycare facility in Newlands East. The daycare owner's husband is accused of raping the one-year-old, who was left behind because she had not been fully potty-trained. The woman claims that police have yet to effect an arrest despite opening a case and more people coming forward with similar allegations.

The woman noticed swelling and redness around her daughter's vagina while bathing her, which she initially thought was nappy rash. She took her daughter to the hospital, where the doctor dismissed it as an infection. She then took her daughter to another doctor who saw signs of abuse.

After posting the incident on social media, the mother was called by Newlands East police and asked to come to the station. She showed the social worker the video and was told to take her daughter to Mahatma Gandhi hospital. When the child was examined, the doctor found that the child had been penetrated.

The mother claims that following her post on social media, there were further allegations that he raped another young girl at the facility. IOL has seen copies of the doctor's documents, which tell a gruesome story. Dr Nadia Bernon, an activist and Rapid Response Team on Gender Based Violence and Femicide team leader, said there have been allegations of rape levelled against the man, but people have not taken further action after being threatened by the man's police officer relative.

The Newlands East community is up in arms over the allegations and wants justice and his immediate arrest. They also want anyone else on the property on the day of the incident to be arrested and the facility shut down while police investigate.

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