EFF’s Veronica Mente says the EFF members are not blocking roads!

Mbazima Speaks
Image: twitter.com, @dinanodamano
Source: Twitter Read 

EFF national chairman Veronica Mente said the demonstration is going forward, and everything is ready. 

Those who choose to go to work instead of protesting were unaffected by the EFF, she claimed.

The EFF said this morning that few vehicles were on the roads as South Africans heeded the opposition party led by Julius Malema's demand for a nationwide shutdown.

According to Mante, 

That narrative that we are going to be breaching other people’s rights has been driven by the governing party and the DA because they wanted to instill fear in our people. We told our people that protesters would be approaching the streets. If anything happens because they have planted vigilante groups that are going to be attacking people within our protest, that can be a harm to our innocent citizens of this country.

That narrative that we are going to be attacking people, intimidating people, and all of that (is not true). People are going to be joining the march in numbers. If someone says the country is going on as usual, that is also untrue. 

There is nothing usual today. Many businesses have closed down. There is minimal traffic on the roads. On the roads I travelled on this morning, there are simply no cars, few to no cars on many roads. The police and the soldiers are the ones blocking the roads because they are searching every car, trying to know what is happening. They are successfully blocking the country.

Mante believes that the ruling party is trying to create a narrative that paints an awful image of the nationwide shutdown conducted by the EFF. 


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