Alliance Fuel CEO Offers R100,000 Reward for Capture of Diesel Heist Mastermind

Mbazima Speaks


Alliance Fuel CEO Offers R100,000 Reward for Capture of Diesel Heist Mastermind

A manhunt has been initiated for a suspect identified as Elias Gray (although his real name is uncertain), who is responsible for a daring diesel heist against his employer, Alliance Fuel.

Gray meticulously planned the heist and successfully absconded with one of Alliance Fuel's high-value trucks, fully laden with diesel worth R1.5 million.

The fugitive is believed to be of Zimbabwean nationality and is suspected to be hiding in Cape Town, where he is known for his extravagant lifestyle.

Alliance Fuel's CEO, Walter Gilfillan, has offered a reward of R100,000 or $5,500 to aid in the apprehension of Gray and the recovery of the stolen company vehicle.

Regarding speculations of the possibility of Gray being kidnapped during the heist, the security contractor has ruled out this theory, asserting, "We are certain he was not abducted."



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