Chief Justice Zondo joins the battle, raising the possibility of a showdown over the ANC's election lists.

Mbazima Speaks


The ANC is set to finalize its election lists at the Birchwood Conference Centre in Boksburg, as a battle over corruption and who gets on the lists continues. Chief Justice Raymond Zondo denied a City Press report that Mineral Resources and Energy Minister Gwede Mantashe had successfully challenged the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture. The commission recommended further investigations into Mantashe related to security installations by Bosasa, the facilities management and catering company at the heart of South Africa's story of corruption.

The ANC's Integrity Commission, chaired by the Rev Frank Chikane, has recommended that ANC cadres named in the State Capture Commission report be excluded from election lists. The party is set to finalise the lists, which must be lodged with the Electoral Commission by Friday, March 8. Among ANC members named by the State Capture Commission as having a case to answer for abuse of power, abrogation of duty, and instances of alleged corruption are:

Current members of the executive include Gwede Mantashe, minister of mineral resources and energy and ANC national chairperson (Bosasa graft), Zizi Kodwa, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, David Mahlobo, Nomvula Mokonyane, Cedrick Frolick, Thabang Makwetla, Bongo, Mosebenzi Zwane, Sfiso Buthelezi, Winnie Ngwenya, ANC NEC Malusi Gigaba, ANC veterans Vincent Smith, SA’s ambassador to China Siyabonga Cwele, former president Jacob Zuma, and former ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule.

The debate about whether or not they should be on party lists is still dividing the party and appears to have yet to be concluded. The exclusions could affect bigwigs like Dr. Zweli Mkhize, who was implicated in the Digital Vibes scandal exposed by Daily Maverick.

ANC members affected by the Integrity Commission report argue they do not have to step aside from their roles or decline nomination to be on the party lists because they have not been charged with any offence under the law. The party’s National Executive Committee decided this was prejudicial and it was moderated to “step aside only after being charged”. Even though the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture was a judicial process, its rules of evidence differ from those of a legal process. Members implicated in the Commission of Inquiry argue that they must first be charged before stepping aside from the party’s election lists.

The ANC Veterans’ League, chaired by Snuki Zikalala, has lobbied for the implicated members to be excluded, while the Women’s and Youth League say members not formally charged should be on party election lists. Mantashe, Kodwa, and Mokonyane characterised the allegations against them as coming from individuals who did not understand the ANC culture of comradely care and kinship. Three opinion polls, including the ANC’s own, have found that the ANC is likely to poll lower than ever before in the May 29 election, making getting a higher position on party lists vital to securing political office.

This article is republished from the Daily Maverick. Click here to read the original article.

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